Saturday, May 20, 2017

Globalist French President Goes to Work Empowering the EU

Globalist French President Goes to Work Empowering the EU -

Excerpt from this article:

"The ruling establishment in Europe, along with its globalist agent, Rothschild banker and new French President Emmanuel Macron, appear to be absolutely tone deaf to the growing outrage across the continent. Even as the United Kingdom works on seceding from the controversial European Union superstate, and most French people want a vote on whether to even remain under the Brussels-based regime's thumb, Macron is pushing hard to accelerate the EU war on self-government, borders, and nationhood. Other globalist leaders of formerly sovereign EU member states — especially Macron ally and German Chancellor Angela Merkel — are doing the same. But across Europe, the public is getting fed up."

Recommended reading:

Macron Wins, France Loses -
Leftist Bankster New Prez of France -
Marine La Pen Debate Killshot: 'France Will Be Led By a Woman, Me or Mrs. Merkel [Video]'- [Via Ace of Spades]

Recommended podcast:

Brexit - Resisting the New World Order by Dr. Peter Hammond

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)