Monday, May 29, 2017

Anti-Vaxxers Vindicated: Study Shows Measles Outbreak Tied to Air Pollution

Anti-Vaxxers Vindicated: Study Shows Measles Outbreak Tied to Air Pollution -

Excerpt from this article:

"Many parents, fearful that vaccinating their children may cause autism, have opted to swear off vaccinations, and they have been blamed for recent outbreaks of measles in the U.S., most notably in Disneyland in 2015. A new study suggests that such outbreaks may have other causes, and anti-vaxxers have already seized upon it as evidence for their position. But this study only applied to China, and it does not necessarily absolve the anti-vaxxers of U.S. measles outbreaks."

Recommended reading:

Anti-Vax Mom Has Rude Awakening When All 3 Kids Are Sick With Preventable Disease -

Recommended podcasts:

Autism - A Thousandfold Increase - Amish and Underdeveloped Nations Don't Get, by Pastor Kevin Swanson 
Pro-Vaccine Zealots, by Pastor Kevin Boling
Aborted Fetuses In The Vaccines? Should Christians Support Vaccines? by Pastor Kevin Swanson
Flashback [August 2015]: Donald Trump: Vaccines Cause Autism! -
CDC Forced to Release Proof They Knew Vaccine Preservative Causes Autism -

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)