Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Last Year, Obama Offered to Share Intelligence With the Russians and the Media Was Fine With It

Last Year, Obama Offered to Share Intelligence With the Russians and the Media Was Fine With It -

Excerpt from this article:

"On July 13, 2016, The Post ran this article: Obama’s Syria Plan Teams up American and Russian Forces.
The Obama administration’s new proposal to Russia on Syria is more extensive than previously known. It would open the way for deep cooperation between U.S. and Russian military and intelligence agencies and coordinated air attacks by American and Russian planes on Syrian rebels deemed to be terrorists.
It was okay when Obama did it, but if Trump dares to try to work with Russia, the mainstream media loses its mind."

Recommended reading:

And Now for an Important Message From the Deep State... -
This is a Coup Attempt, Not a Constitutional Crisis -
Paul Craig Roberts: The Assault on Trump -
Dershowitz Questions Purpose of Special Council: "What's the Crime?" - 
The Council on Foreign Relations and the New World Order
Why Did Comey Stonewall Evidence Obama Spied on Trump -
Flashback: September 2016:  National Review Just Figured Out why Hillary Wasn't Indicted - Because if Hillary's Guilty, So is Obama  -

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 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)