Saturday, July 1, 2017

The Chemical Erin Brockovich Fought? You're Drinking It

The Chemical Erin Brockovich Fought? You're Drinking It, by

Excerpt from this article:

"If chromium-6 rings a bell for some odd reason, that reason is likely Erin Brockovich, who famously helped secure a massive settlement for the Hinkley, Calif., residents who had been exposed to dangerous levels of the heavy metal. And there’s a chance you have been exposed, too, according to a report released Tuesday. The Environmental Working Group analyzed EPA-ordered samples taken by local water utilities from 2013 to 2015 and found that Americans—an estimated 218 million of them—in every single state are being exposed to what the study’s authors say are unsafe levels of the probable carcinogen."

If you're not up to speed on Erin Brockovich, perhaps you should take some time to watch Erin Brockovich, staring Julia Roberts.

You may also want to watch the following video by Lisa Haven:

The Date With 'Death' Set by Globalists - America is Under Massive Chemical Suicide and How to Prepare

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)