Things Your Professor Didn't Tell You About Climate Change -
Excerpt from this article:
"In science, if a hypothesis is proposed and predictions based on that hypothesis happen as predicted, the hypothesis becomes a theory. If not, the hypothesis is rejected. Not so with global warming. When global temperatures fail to meet the IPCC’s model predictions, they simply move the prediction date out into the future, all the while making it clear the global warming apocalypse is still coming."
Recommeded podcast:
Global Warming and Matthews Sheppard: Extravagant Lies That Fool Billions, by Pastor Kevin Swanson
Recommended reading:
The Estvan Marko Interview: Possibly the Best Thing You'll Ever Read on Global Warming, Part 1: The Science -
Excerpt from this article:
"In science, if a hypothesis is proposed and predictions based on that hypothesis happen as predicted, the hypothesis becomes a theory. If not, the hypothesis is rejected. Not so with global warming. When global temperatures fail to meet the IPCC’s model predictions, they simply move the prediction date out into the future, all the while making it clear the global warming apocalypse is still coming."
Recommeded podcast:
Global Warming and Matthews Sheppard: Extravagant Lies That Fool Billions, by Pastor Kevin Swanson
Recommended reading:
The Estvan Marko Interview: Possibly the Best Thing You'll Ever Read on Global Warming, Part 1: The Science -
Climategate: A Veteran Meteorologist Exposes the Global Warming Scam, by Brian Sussman