Monday, April 9, 2018

Globalists and Neocons Demand Syrian War; Trump Considers Options

Globalists and Neocons Demand Syrian War; Trump Considers Options -

Excerpt from this article:

"As establishment neoconservatives, liberals, and globalists all demand deeper U.S. involvement in Syria's establishment-fueled civil war, much of President Donald Trump's base continues to advocate a total withdrawal of U.S. military forces from the region.

Recommended reading:

Dear President Trump: Please Read This Before Bombing Syria, by George Washington and Zero Hedge

Excerpt from this article:

"'Instead of bombing Syria for a chemical weapons attack, please prove that you are smart enough to learn the facts. If you spend five minutes reading, you'll learn that Syria has been 'framed' for more than 50 years, that the U.S. first carried out a 'regime change' operation in 1949 and has been drooling to do it again ever since, that the Ruskie have framed other countries to justify war...and that you're too smart to fall for the 'oldest trick in the book.'"

Recommended podcast and sermon:

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)