Saturday, May 5, 2018

Today in the News - Saturday, May 5, 2018

National and World News

Pure MAGA: Trump Pumps Up NRA Convention -
Manufacturing Jobs +304,000 Under Trump -
GOP Asks Agency to Review Planned Parenthood Funding -
CBO Projects $2.4. Trillion in Debt: How They're Underselling It -
Dark Side of Computers, Smart Phones and Tablets: Blue Light Causes Cancer, Ruins Your Eyes, and Makes You Toss and Turn at Night -
Canadian Case and Savereignty Under NAFTA -
Psychiatry and the Great Fraud -
Judge Accuses Mueller of Overstepping His Authority, Says Focus is on Bringing Trump Down -
It's Been a Bad 24 Hours for Liberals (podcast) -
Click, Click, Click...For the Clinton Foundation -
Police: Second Camera Found in Starbuck's Bathroom - (via Drudge Report)
Please Don't Celebrate Karl Marx Birthday -
K-12: Let the Pesants Eat Popcorn -
Texas Longhorns Answer to Israel's Beef Crisis -

Misc. Videos & Colomnists:

Caroline B. Glick: Time to Cut JVP Down to Size - jpost.comCaroline B. Glick: 5 Key Points About U. S. Led Syria Airstrike -
Tony Duheaume: Analysis: Who Will Side With Whom if Syria Explodes? -
Will Trump Tear Up Iran Deal? No Plan B -
"They're Total Fraud!" Trey Gowdy Has Had Enough of Comey, Clinton, Resenstein - FoxNews
Michelle Malkin: The Uncle Tom Card is Dead -
Did You Know This Fact About Slavery? - Dinesh D'Souza
Ann Coulter: GOP Midterm Slogan: We Need Guest Workers to Do Your Jobs -
Patrick Buchanan: Smut Night at the Press Dinner -
Patrick Buchanan: Memo to Trump: Defy Meuller at Every Turn -
Stop NAFTA TPP International Merger - JBS Straight Talk
The Federal Reserve is About to Die - This New House Resolution Will Change the Economy Forever - Lisa Haven
What' a Greater Leap of Faith? God, or a Multiverse? - PragerU

Conservative Christians Podcasts 

Christian Pompeo May Lose Nomination - Christian Rand Paul Opposes Christian Pompeo, by Pastor Kevin Swanson
Barbara Bush in Heaven? Shall the Bush Clan Repent for its Support of Abortion? by Pastor Kevin Swanson
Soft Porn At the Checkout Counter - The Influence of Cosmopolitan, by Pastor Kevin Swanson
The Alfie Phenomenon: Surrendering Parental Rights to the State, by Pastor Kevin Swanson
Vietnam is Beating Christians, by Adam McManus
Religious Liberty Disappearing in 28 Nations, by Adam McManus
More Boundaries for Wives, by Jonathan Daugherty
Answering Skeptics About Noah's Ark, by Jim Schneider
The Opoid Epedemic, by Jim Schneider
News Roundup 4-20-18 - Crosstalk America
Friday, April 27, 2018, by Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
Monday, April 23, 2018, by Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
Friday, April 20, 2018, by Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
Thursday, April 19, 2018, by Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
Wednesday, April 18, 2018, by Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr.

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)