1920: The United States Senate votes against joining the League of Nations (Source)
Recommended sermons and podcasts:
The U.N. and the Fourth Kingdom, by Mike Hoggard
Kofi Annan, the UN, the Rwandan Holocaust and Oil for Food Scandal, by Peter Hammond
United Nations on Abortion, Adultery, and Humanism - What Would Martin Luther Say? by Pastor Kevin Swanson
United Nations COP24 Summit, by Jim Schneider [Crosstalk America]
Recommended sermons and podcasts:
The U.N. and the Fourth Kingdom, by Mike Hoggard
Kofi Annan, the UN, the Rwandan Holocaust and Oil for Food Scandal, by Peter Hammond
United Nations on Abortion, Adultery, and Humanism - What Would Martin Luther Say? by Pastor Kevin Swanson
United Nations COP24 Summit, by Jim Schneider [Crosstalk America]