Sunday, June 23, 2019

NRA's Official Magazine Smears Joe McCarthy

NRA's Official Magazine Smears Joe McCarthy -

Excerpt from this article:

"Whoever uses the term [McCarthyism], and however it is used, it is at best done out of ignorance, and at worst, by someone who is knowingly perpetrating a falsehood, because rather than being a person who made wild accusations 'without proper regard for evidence,' McCarthy was a patriot - a man who wanted to save his country from the totalitarian menace of communism."

For more information on one of America's great patriots, read:

On Joe McCarthy, the Washington Post Gets It Embarrassingly Wrong -
McCarthy's Legacy Still Misportrayed by Media After Verona Disclosure -

Here is an excerpt from this Newsmax article (Above):

"McCarthy actually underestimated the number of American Societ spies working for the USSR in the FDR administration. It took a while, but in 194 NSA and CIA released 190,000 formerly classified cablegrams they, and their predecessor agencies, intercepted from 1943 to 1980. The number of American Soviet agents identified from Venona has reached 500, more than double the 205 McCarthy predicted..."

And for the who story about Senator (Patriot) Joeseph McCarthy read:

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)