Wednesday, June 26, 2019

The Moral of This Story is That Parents Can No Longer Trust Disney

The Moral of This Story is That Parents Can No Longer Trust Disney -

Excerpt from this article:

"You may not be aware, but back in 2014, Disney's movie, Frozen, became the highest-grossing animated movie in history, and so there are some big expectations for the sequel, Frozen 2, which is "coming out" later this year.  Yes, that is correct, the star of Frozen, Elsa, is by all accounts a lesbian.  And the big question everyone is asking about the sequel is whether or not Elsa will come out of the closet, with the subplot being whether or not she was born this way"

Disney Verses VidAngel: Family Friendly Filtering Service Hit With $62.4M Lawsuit -

Excerpt from this article:

"Winter said he found it 'beyond ironic' that a company such as Disney would sue to 'prevent the filtering of graphic sex, violence, profanity and other explicit content from movies. Indeet it's tragic.'"

Recommended reading:

Time for the LGBT Movement to Leave the Kids Alone -
Excerpt from this article:

"Disney and other children's stations long ago jumped onto the LGBT bandwagon with their line-up. As a Guardian headline noted in 2016, 'From Nickelodeon to Disney: Children's TV leads the way for LGBT characters,' with same-sex unions featuring prominently in shows. It is not just television, of course. Rumors now fly that even Elsa of Frozen may be a lesbian in the Disney sequel."

Recommended reading:

More recommended reading:

Excerpt from this last article:

"Former president took 26 trips on the 'Lolita Express'"

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)