Friday, July 5, 2019

Today in History - July 5

1687 - Isaac Newton publishes Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (Source)

For further research...

God, CERN and Dark Matter
Einstein Wrong - Absolutely! by Dr. Alan Cairns
Rethinking Radiometric Dating - Evidence for a Young Earth From a Nuclear Physicist
The Relevance of Physics, Cosmology,  & Astronomy for Young Earth Creation, by Keith Wanser

1813 - War of 1812: Three weeks of British raids on Fort Schlosser, Black Rock and Plattsburgh, New York commence (Source)

1814 - War of 1812: Battle of Chippawa: American Major General Jacob Brown defeats British Generals Phineas Riall at Chippawa, Ontario (Source)

Recommended sermons and podcasts:

The War of 1812  - Commemorating 200 Years, by Pastor Kevin Swanson (2012)
The Star Spangled Banner - The Story Behind the National Anthem, by James Walker [Text: John 12:32]

Recommended video:

Surprise Police Officer Tanya Keplinger Sings National Anthem

171 - The 26th Amendment to the US Constitution, lowering the voting age fro 21 to 18 years, is formally certified by President Richard Nixon (Source)

Recommended sermons and podcasts:

More Evangelicals Voting Democrat in 2020 - JD Greear and Lecrae and Pro-Abort Voting, by Pastor Kevin Swanson
Barabbas: By Popular Vote, by John Reuther
America: Republic or Democracy? by Dr. Herbert Titus, JD
Why America Must Remain a Democracy, by John Weaver [Text: Hosea 1:1-4]

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)