Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Today in History - December 18

1499 - A rebellion breaks out in Alpujarras in response to the forced conversions of Muslims in Spain (Source)

Recommended sermons and podcasts:

The Basics of Islam, by Dr. James White
Islam and the Death of Jesus, by Dr. Ian Brown [Text: John 19:35]
Understanding Islam, by Dr. Peter Hammond
Christophobia, by Dr. David P. Murray

The text for this last sermon is Luke 8:35 (Audio):

"Then they went out to see what was done, and came to Jesus, and found the man, out of whom the devils were departed, sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed and in his right mind."

1655 - The Whitehall Conference ends with the determination that there was no law preventing Jews from re-entering England after the Edict of Expulsion of 1290 (Source)

Recommended sermons and podcasts:

2,300 Days, by Derek Carlsen [Text: Daniel 8:13-14,24-26 (Audio)]
The 70 Weeks  Prophecy, by Rev. John Sawtelle [Text: Daniel 9:20-27 (Audio)]
The Road to Emmaus, by Rev. Calum Lain Macleod

The text for this last sermon is Luke 24:25,26 (Audio):

"Then he said unto them, O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the  prophets have spoken: Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into his glory?"

Recommended (Jewish) video:

Minyan Man

1833 - The national anthem of the Russian Empire, "God Save the Tsar!", is first performed 

Recommended sermons and podcasts:

Recommended video:

1917 - The resolution containing the language of the Eighteenth Amendment to enact Prohibition is passed by the United States Congress (Source)

Recommended sermons and podcasts:

Noah's Drunkenness and its Far-Reaching Results, by Dr. Joel Beeke [Text: Genesis 9:18-29]

1972 - Vietnam War: President Richard Nixon announces that the United States will engage North Vietnam in Operation Linebacker II a series of Christmas bombings, after peace talks collapsed with North Vietnam on the 13th (Source)

Recommended Quote:

"Churchill was exhilarated. Six months later, after the first battle of Ypres, with tens of thousands of British soldiers in their graves, he would say to Violet Asquith: 'I think a curse should rest on me - because I am so happy. I know this war is smashing and shattering the lives of thousands every moment and yet - I cannot help it - I enjoy every second.'" -  Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War, by Patrick Buchanan

You will never understand the Vietnam War/Conflict/Police Action until  you read Gary Allen's book None Dare Call it Conspiracy, published in 1971. And if enough people read this book we might prevent the next Vietnam War/Conflict/Police Action!

More recommended reading:

Excerpt from this article:

"The White House said previously he plans to sign the legislation 'immediately.'"

Just in case you have forgotten Vietnam...

Billy Joel - Goodnight Saigon (Official Video)

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)