Thursday, August 27, 2020

Ivanka Trump: 'America needs four more years of a warrior in the White House'

Here is an excerpt from this great speech:

"Earlier this evening we were all inspired by the incredible testimony of Alice Johnson, a great-grandmother who was sentenced to life in prison for a first time non-violent drug offense. I was with my father when he decided to commute Alice's life sentence, Together we watched Alice leave prison after nearly 22 years. As she ran into the arms of her family and they celebrated a joyful reunion, my father got very quiet, I could see the emotion on his face. After a long silence, he looked at me and said 'Imagine how many people there are just like Alice. From that point on he became a voice for those who have been unfairly silenced in our prison systems. President Trump rectified the disparities of the 1994 Biden Crime bill that disproportionately hurt African Americans.".

The following is a short excerpt from John Grisham's novel, The Guardians:

"In white America, prisons are good places where bad men pay for their crimes. In black America, they are too often used as warehouses to keep minorities off the street." 

Note: I think that quote is from The Guardians, especially since this is a novel about a lawyer who works toward getting innocent people out of prison.  It may be from his novel Camino Winds. I've read both and they are equally good!

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)