1621 - The Pilgrims of Plymouth Colony sign a peace treaty with Massasoit of the Wampanoags (Source)
Recommended sermons and podcasts:
The Pilgrim Legacy, by Dr. D. James Kennedy
Why Americans Don't Like the Pilgrims Anymore - Thankful for the Pilgrims, by Pastor Kevin Swanson
Recommended reading:
Why 1620, Not 1619, is a Better Representation of the American Way - thefederalist.com
1630 - The Massachusetts Bay Colony outlaws the possession of cards, dice, and gaming tables (Source)
Recommended sermons and podcasts:
Biography of Roger Williams, by Ron Baines
Roger Williams, by BJU Students and faculty
Magnolia Christi Americana: Discoveries of America, Part 1, by Cotton Mather (1663-1728) [Text: Psalm 44:1]
Magnolia Christi Americana: The Voyage to New England, Part 2, by Cotton Mather (1663-1728) [Text: Psalm 44:1]
1994 - The Slave Trade Act of 1794 bans the export of slaves from the United States and prohibits American citizens from outfitting a ship for the purpose of importing slaves (Source)
Recommended reading:
'Ironically, the same court that decreed that Dred Scott, a slave, was property, had granted to the corporation, a non-man, the sacred rights of citizenship...The Fourteenth Amendment provided that no state shall 'deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law, nor deny any persons within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.' It was to be a shield of freedom to protect the emancipated slave against abuses from the states. But the Fourteenth Amendment soon became a formidable weapon used to subject both black and white to the will of corporate America. We have not often heard that story." With Justice for None - Destroying an American Myth, by Gerry Spence (Attorney)
Recommended sermons and podcasts:
Exposing and Opposing Slavery Today, by Dr. Peter Hammond
More recommended reading:
The Welfare State Did What Slavery Couldn't - zerohedge.com
African Slavery Reexamined by Senegalese Academic - americanthinker.com