If you follow the Bible reading program on this daily post you will read through the entire Bible in one year. I'm borrowing this Bible reading plan from oneyearbibleonline.com, kingjamesbibleonline.org, and biblegateway.com/]
For today, read:
Why the Glory Departs, by Dr. Michael Barrett [Text: Ezekiel 10]
Trump and Clinton: The Future of Politicians Who Enact Bad Laws and Give Bad Advice, by Joe Morecraft III [Text: Ezekiel 11] (2016)
The Flitting Prophet, by Rev. Roger Higginson [Text: Ezekiel 12]
A Patched Up Salvation Will Not Save, by Rev. Graeme Craig [Text: Ezekiel 13:10,11]
These Three Men, by Rev. Roger Higginson [Text: Ezekiel 14]
Recommended sermons and podcasts:
Definition of Assurance, by Dr. David P. Murray [Text: Hebrews 6]
Melchizedek - Priest of God, by Rev. Noel Hughes [Text: Hebrews 7]
Recommended sermon:
Joseph - A Type of Christ, by Rev. Stephen Hamilton [Text: Psalm 105]
Recommended sermon:
As Snow in Harvest, by Rev. Hans Overduin [Text: Proverbs 26:1-12]