If you follow the Bible reading program on this daily post you will read through the entire Bible in one year. I'm borrowing this Bible reading plan from oneyearbibleonline.com , kingjamesbibleonline.org, and biblegateway.com/]
For today, read:
Recommended sermons:
Mount Zion, by Rev. Gordon Dane [Text: I Chronicles 11]
Sinners Brought to the King of Kings, by Rev. John Greer [Text: I Chronicles 12]
Recommended sermons:
Paul at Malta, by Dr. R. C. Sproul (1939-2017) [Text: Acts 28]
Recommended sermon: The Eternity of the Lost, by Rev. William McCrea [Text: Psalm 9]
Recommended videos:
Proverbs 19:1-3 (Audio): Recommended sermon: The Father of Lies, by David VanBrugge [Text: Proverbs 19; John 8:44]