Saturday, October 6, 2012

Are Evolution & The Big Bang Theories 'Lies Straight From The Pit Of Hell?'

Dr. Paul Broun thinks so. And I agree! (See the article in today's Huffington Post: Paul Broun: Evolution, Big Bang 'Lies Straight From The Pit Of Hell')

In a recent post I encouraged my readers to check out Frank Peretti's two Christian novels: This Present Darkness and Piercing the Darkness. (Please see my post, Introducing Frank Peretti). Although these are novels I think there is more truth than fiction in them.

For example, these novels portray demons speaking lies into the ears of the non-Christians, and then portray those non-Christians repeating those same lies to others, as though they thought it up all by themselves. This is what I think is going on with the theory of evolution.

Demons speak these lies into the ears of very educated (non-Christian) teachers, and these teachers pass these lies onto their students as though they were fact. So in a sense, the theory of evolution does (and did!) come 'straight from the pit of hell.'

Several times the Bible says "He that has ears, let him hear." (i.e.Revelation 2:7). If you have ears, and eyes, please check out The Myth of Junk DNA, by Jonathan Wells, P.hd. in molecular and cellular biology and also Darwin Under the Microscope, by Dr. James P. Gills, M.D.

Recommended listening:

Congressman Calls Evolution 'Lie from the Pit of Hell', by Sean Harris

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)