Monday, October 1, 2012

The Most Drugged Up and Unbalanced Generation in History Wants to Know: Why Not Incest Too?

‘The Notebook’ director says if we back gay marriage, why not incest? |


"Defenders of marriage have long said if the institution is redefined beyond one man and one woman, there is no clear end to the new combinations that could be considered 'marriage.' A growing body of evidence shows the popular culture, led by Hollywood elites, do not intend to stop with same sex unions.

"Nick Cassavetes compared same-sex 'marriage' with incest in a positive light...told reporters at the debut of his new film that incest is no different than allowing same-sex weddings. 'Love who you want, isn't that what we say? Gay marriage - love who you want." Gay marriage – love who you want,” he said. 'If you're not having kids who give a damn?'"

Bible reading for today
Today in the news

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)