Saturday, July 27, 2013

Listen to Ted Nugent’s Fiery Response to Stevie Wonder’s Boycott of Florida Over Zimmerman Verdict

Listen to Ted Nugent’s Fiery Response to Stevie Wonder’s Boycott of Florida Over Zimmerman Verdict |

"So, 700 black people, mostly young children and young people were slaughtered in Chicago last year by black people, and not a peep out of Stevie Wonder."

I would consider voting for Ted Nugent [of Cat Scratch Fever fame!] for president in 2016. Or better yet, maybe he could run as Vice President on a Dr. Ben Carson/Ted Nugent ticket! (And Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin and Patrick Buchanan could serve as Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense, and Director of Homeland Security!)

Recommended reading:

Bill Cosby: Zimmerman Verdict Not About Race
Alex Jones Bull Horns the Ku Klux Klan

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)