Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Deep State Primer

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words. If that is true, why don't you check out the following pictures if you want to know who is going to win the 2016 American Presidential election:

Council on Foreign Relations Pictures and Images

In David Rockefeller's memoirs, he publicly thanked several of major news media for keeping the establishments plans hidden from the Americans - for over 40 years. Here is what Mr. Rockefeller said:

“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years......It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries.”

Let me just tweak this quote a bit for clarity's sake (the parts in bold italics are my 'tweaks'):

The Council on Foreign Relations is grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended The Council on Foreign Relation's meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years......It would have been impossible for The Council on Foreign Relations to develop The Council on Foreign Relation's plan for the world if The Council on Foreign Relations had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers (aka The Council on Foreign Relations) is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries.”

 The Council on Foreign Relations was founded in 1921 by John and Allen Dulles (Secretary of State and Director of the CIA during the Eisenhower administration). Here are some quotes from None Dare Call it Treason...25 Years Later, by John A. Stormer, published 1992:

"How the Council on Foreign Relations functions as 'an agency of government' became clear in an eight-part examination of the organization published in 1961. The author, Dan Smoot, a former FBI man and Administrative Assistant to J. Edgar Hoover, found that... Since 1944, all candidates for President, both Democrat and Republican, have been CFR members, except Truman who became President by 'accident.' Every Secretary of State since Cordell Hull (except James Byrnes) has been a CFR member. Over 40 CFR members comprised the American Delegation to the UN Organizing Conference in San Fransisco, including Alger Hiss, Nelson Rockefeller, Adlai Stevenson, Ralph Bunche, John Foster Dulles, and the Secretary of State Edward Stettinius. CFR affiliates have controlled an unusual number of cabinet posts and top Presidential advisory posts."

Here are some further quotes from this book:

"The Kennedy-Johnson Administration appear to be totally controlled by CFR members and former members...Even when CFR members retire or are replaced, another CFR man gets the job....How can so much power be concentrated in the membership of such a small organization without public attention? As Senator Jenner pointed out, this group has its own propaganda apparatus. Among the 1400 CFR members are: Henry Luce, editor-in-chief of Time, Life, and Fortune; David Lawrence, U.S. News and World Report; the late Philip Graham, publisher of Newsweek and Washington Post; Gardner and John Cowles, who publish Look and own several influential newspapers; Arthur Hays Sulzberger, Chairman of the board, New York Times; Mark Ethridge, publisher, Louisville Courier Journal..."

And here are yet some more quotes from this great book:

"Other CFR members who hold important posts in other opinion making media are: William S. Paley, Chairman of the board, CBS; David Sarnoff, Chairman of the board, Radio Corporation of America (operators of NBC); broadcasters Edward R. Murrow...Harry Scherman, founder and editor-in-chief, Book of the Month Club; Joseph Barnes, editor-in-chief, Simon and Shuster...Opinion pollsters George Gallup ...CFR member William Benton is primary owner of Encyclopedia Britannica..."

And here is one more quote from this great book:

"Since 1945 CFR members  have largely controlled the United States government and foreign policy...The writings and speeches of CFR members reveal that the failures of the west have not been accidents. Events since World War II have developed largely according to plan."

Take a closer look at that last sentence:  "...Events since World War II have developed largely according to plan." Do you think that plan included the deaths of 500,000 Americans and 2 million Vietnamese in the 1960s and early 1970s? Or how about our national debt? When George W. Bush became President, our national debt was $5.629 Trillion. When he left office it was $9.986 Trillion. He almost doubled our debt in 8 years. And Barack Obama has increased our debt to over $19.5 Trillion. Was it all planned?

And is it possible that Mr. Obama's transferring control of the Internet to the United Nations isn't as harmless as he would have us believe (See: Midnight Deadline: State AGs in Court to Stop Obama's UN Internet Transfer). And what about these outrageous claims that our government is behind ISIS ? (See: Former CIA Contractor: 'US Has Always Been Main Sponsor of Islamic State').  Is this all part of some nefarious plan by the 1% (Or, the 1% who are tied in with the Council on Foreign Relations?)

And what about our trade agreements that seam to reward companies to lay off Americans and set up shop in other countries .... so they can get cheap labor and then sell their products...back to Americans! (See: Apple Inc. Says Its Tax Rate of 0,00045 Percent is Fair)

Is it all going according to plan? Before you dismiss that idea, read on!

The title of this blog post is A History of the Council on Foreign Relations...In Our Time! I got the idea of this title from Professor Carroll Quigley's book, Tragedy and Hope - A History of the World in Our Time (Published 1966). Here's what has to say about this book:

"UNCENSORED! Tragedy & Hope: A History of the World in Our Time by Carroll Quigley is the ultimate insider admission of a secret global elite that has impacted nearly every modern historical event. Learn how the Anglo-American banking elite were able to secretly establish and maintain their global power. This massive hardcover book of 1348 pages provides a detailed world history beginning with the industrial revolution and imperialism through two world wars, a global depression and the rise of communism. Tragedy & Hope is the definitive work on the world's power structure and an essential source material for understanding the history, goals and actions of the New World Order. THE ONLY AUTHORIZED VERSION AFTER 1ST PRINT."
Now let me share with you two quotes from Tragedy and Hope. First quote:

 "The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies ... is a foolish idea. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can throw the rascals out at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy.  Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party, which will be none of these things but will still pursue, with new vigor, the same basic policies."

As soon as I learned that Senator Ted Cruz's wife used to be a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, I knew I wasn't going to vote for him. Like many Americans, I was holding out hope that Donald Trump might really be the outsider he claims to be.  I even did a blog post that I titled:
Letter to Donald Trump, where I gave him this advice:

"Read Gary Allen's book None Dare Call it Conspiracy (published 1971) (Also on Amazon). If you think that book accurately explains what's going on in our country today, then use your own money to send a copy to every man and women in the United States."

And then I gave him one more piece of advice (in case he chose to ignore my first suggestion):

"Of course, if you choose to reject my free advice, I have another (free) suggestion for you: Replace Mike Pence with Newt Gingrich (see:Trump: Will He Be Controlling or Controlled? - Then appoint Dick Cheney as Secretary of State (See video: Dick Cheney at CFR, Laughing at People in Wyoming). And finally, go to the The Council on Foreign Relations and let them know you are willing to play ball. They will gladly let you become president in November, and you can spend the next 4 to 8 years playing golf  (See"
But then I read that Newt Gingrich was going to be a part of the Trump Administration (See: Donald Trump Promises Role for Newt Gingrich in Administration). And I knew that Newt Gingrich was tied up with the Council on Foreign Relations (See: Trump: Will He Be Controlling or Controlled?)
And then it came out that Donald Trump's pick for Vice President says that Dick Cheney will be his role model (See: Mike Pence Says His Role Model for Vice President Will Be Dick Cheney).

Dick Cheney was not only a longtime member of the Council on Foreign Relations, but was the Director of this treasonous organization at one time. Watch this short You Tube video where he mocks the voters of Wyoming: Dick Cheney at CFR, Laughing at the People of Wyoming

Here is another writer that shows the tremendous influence the Council on Foreign Relations has had on our "Democratically Elected Government":

"It is not an exaggeration to state that the membership of [the Council on Foreign Relations] has formed the true secret government of the United States since 1945. Their membership includes the top business, financial, intellectual, military and military elite of the country including the leadership of both the Republican and Democratic parties. During the 1992 presidential election, Americans were allowed to choose whichever flavor of president the Council on Foreign Relations  presented to them. In the Council on Foreign Relations Annual Report 1993, chairman Peter Peterson proudly pointed out that all three of the presidential candidates, George Bush, Bill Clinton and Ross Perot, are members of the Council on Foreign Relations. Chairman Peterson also congratulated his membership on the fact that every single member of President Clinton's cabinet and most of the sub-cabinet members also belonged to this elite group...During the Bush presidency, virtually all of his cabinet members were also drawn from the ranks of the CFR," Final Warning: Economic Collapse and the Coming World Government, Grant R Jeffrey's (published 1995):

Let me conclude by giving you one more quote from Carroll Quigley's book, Tragedy and Hope:

"There does exist, and has existed for a generation, an international anglophile network which operates, to some extent, in the way the radical Right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the communists, or any other group, and frequently does so. I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960s, to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims and have, for much of my life, been close to it and to many of its instruments … I have objected both in the past and recently, to a few of its policies ... but in general my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known ... The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) ... the American Branch of a society which originated in England (by diamond king, Cecil Rhodes) ... believes national boundaries should be obliterated and [a] one-world rule established." (My emphasis)
 For further research:

Deep State Targets Trump -
The Council on Foreign Relations and the New World Order
Who Got Us Into These Endless Wars? (Patrick Buchanan on Why the CFR is Freaking Out) -
None Dare Call it Conspiracy, by Gary Allen, published  in 1971
Trump: Americanism, Not Globalism, Will Be Our CredoTraitors Within? The Global Elites and Their Nation Breaking Games - 
Brexit - Resisting the New World Order, by Dr. Peter Hammond
Jeb and the Bush Crime Family, by Roger Stone

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)