Sunday, November 18, 2012

Movie Review: The Genesis Code

I have to admit that I have a love/hate relationship with TV and movies. On the one hand, I totally agree with Dr. David Murray that Christians should be very careful about watching movies, and maybe we should not watch them at all (see his sermon, Should Christians watch movies?). But on the other hand I have a hard time giving up watching movies altogether.

And so today was my day off work and I decided to rent a movie to watch. I chose The Genesis Code because it was rated PG and seamed to have a Christian theme.  I liked the movie, but I would like to offer up the following two thoughts for anyone else - Christian or non-Christian - who may want to see this movie.

First of all, the movie itself, while very heart warming and entertaining, is not biblical. For a good review of this movie, check out Movie Review: The Genesis Code, by Dr. Terry Rowland (for Answers in Genesis).  Here is an excerpt from that review:

"The recently released movie The Genesis Code, which had a few film showings in Michigan movie houses (and perhaps elsewhere), presents the fictional account of a non-Christian, college hockey player whose mother is in a coma, and an attractive pastor’s daughter who is to interview him for a college newspaper (and soon finds herself attracted to him). Spoiler alert: the hockey player becomes a Christian, his mother comes out of the coma, and the guy and girl end up together."

But in addition to pointing you to a great review of this movie, I'd like to make a brief comment on a sub-plot in this movie. The plot, as you can see in the excerpt above, is that a Christian lady is trying to do an interview with a non-Christian hockey player for the college newspaper.  He claims he can't be a Christian because he can't square the Bible - specifically Genesis 1 - with science.  That is the main plot.

But a sub-plot has his mother in a coma and dying.  His grandparents have the power of attorney for her and are getting ready to take her off life supports. The son doesn't want this and he goes to court to stop them from doing this.  The court sides with the grandparents.

But before they are able to 'pull the plug,' so to speak, the Christian lady is able to convince the non-Christian hockey player that the Bible and science are in agreement, therefore he becomes a Christian. He prays for his mom and she miraculously comes out of the coma just days before being taken off life support.

Again, I'd be a hypocrite if I said I didn't like the movie. I did. I liked it a lot. And as long as you read the review by Dr. Terry Rowland first, I'd recommend this movie to you as well.

But I'd also like to recommend you read my post, Why Jesus Didn't Take the Wheel, to give you a little more balanced view on the Christian life than I think is presented by this movie.

Recommended listening:

4 Power Questions to Ask Evolutionist, by Mike Riddle

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)