Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Today in the News - September 24, 2013

Here is what is going on in the world today (Click HERE to see Saturday's headlines and commentary):

Islamic Terror Groups Are Killing Christians All Over the World and Obama Wants Us to Allay With Them - endoftheamericandream.com
World Citizen Asks UN to Disarm America - shtfplan.com
Biden in Mexico: I Assure You All People Who Came to The US Illegally Will Be Granted Amnesty - michellemalkin.com
Why it Matters that Jews Are Standing on the Temple Mount - csmonitor.com
Kerry to Sign UN Arms Treaty Despite Senator's Opposition - foxnews.com
Why Are 47 Million Americans on Food Stamps? - washingtonpost.com
Photos: New York Cop Steals Resident's Pro-Second Amendment Signs - infowars.com
Disability Income Becoming Lifetime Unemployment Program - thenewamerican.com
The Slippery Slope to Pedophilia - thenewamerican.com (Note: You may also want to listen to the following podcast by Pastor Kevin Swanson where he comments on evolution proponent Richard Dawkin's comments that Mild Pedophilia is not that harmfull: Global Warming and Matthew Shepard: Extravagant Lies that Fool Billions)

Audio commentary on the news (Podcasts)

Dusty Chapels, Orthodoxy, and Morality: Mistaking the Pope for Rob Bell (Download?), by Pastor Kevin Swanson
Can Christians and Republicans Coexists? (Download?), by Joey Kellett
North Korea is Nuclear (Download?), by Pastor Trevor Hammack
Truth Remains: The Tyndale and Matthews Bibles (Download?), by David Parsons
The Trumpeter of Scotland: The Preaching of John Knox (Download?), by Dr. Steven J. Lawson
The JWs and immortality (Download?), by Pastor William J. Sturm

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)