Saturday, September 14, 2013

Americans Hit the Roof in Debt-Ceiling Fight

Americans hit the roof in debt-ceiling fight:

"By a margin of 2-1, Americans have said in a poll they do not want Congress to raise the debt ceiling to allow more borrowing and spending. As WND has reported, the issue is becoming critical, as federal officials have left the U.S. debt clock stuck at exactly $16,699,396,000,000 for weeks. The debt has been frozen at that amount because of an accounting trick Treasury Secretary Jack Lew calls 'extraordinary measures.' The measures have prevented the government from defaulting on its obligations and allowed it to keep borrowing, while maintaining the official debt just $25 million below the legal debt limit set by Congress of $16,699,421,000,000."

Recommended reading (my posts):

Unheard Of: Debt Stuck at $16.7 Trillion for 109 days! What Sneaky Tricks Are Keeping This Clock from Ticking?
Sarah Palin: Washington is Buying Bullets for Us ("We're going to default eventually and that is why feds are stockpiling bullets")
Obama Calls Republicans "Deadbeats" for Opposing Debt Limit Increase

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)