Wednesday, September 18, 2013

What Would You Do, Dear Christian, If Given the Choice "Convert to Islam or Die?"

From today's headlines: Syrian Jihadist Slits Throat of Christian Man Refusing to Deny Christ, Then Taunts Fiancée, 'Jesus Didn't Come to Save Him':

In The Death of the West, Patrick Buchanan predicts the decline of the "Christian" west, and the rise of Islam. It's been awhile since I read this fascinating book, but I believe his argument is based on the low birth rate of those in Europe and America, as compared with those of Islam.

In a podcast today, Pastor Trevor Hammack seams to confirm what Patrick Buchanan wrote in that book: 

While our brothers and sisters in Christ are being martyred for their faith around the world, Americans are still pretty safe. For now!

Recommended reading (my posts):

Egyptian Christians Killed for Not Paying 'Jizya' Tax
Will Christians Be Weeping on Judgement Day?

Recommended sermon (for Christians wondering how to respond to Islam):

When Government Triest to Be God, by Dr. David P. Murray

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)