Saturday, September 21, 2013

American Dependency: "Give Me My Food Stamps!"

WATCH: American Dependency: "Give Me My Food Stamps":

"As of this week fully 25% of American households – about 48 million people – are dependent on government food stamps to put food on the table. The system is plagued with fraud on every level. Food stamp scams are rampant, with recipients often off-loading their monthly electronic benefit transfer cards for cash value. Mega lobbies spend tens of millions of dollars a year just to keep the pump primed and the funds flowing so that companies like Walmart and 7-11 can keep their revenues up. Big banks, including behemoths like JP Morgan, are cashing in by providing the processing facilities to make it happen.It’s a racket."

Recommended reading (my post):

7 in 10 Americans Think Government is For the Banks and Big Corps (and Not For Them!)
Sarah Palin: Washington is Buying Bullets to Use for Us
What Walmart Knows About Hispanics that Liberals Don't

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)