Excerpt from this article:
"...maybe the American people are completely ready for a female president and just haven't found one they want to vote for yet."
Here's the book that can put both Bill and Hillary in prison:
Clinton Cash - The Untold Story Of How Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill And Hillary Rich
For further reading:
State Dept. Hillary Received $500K in Jewelry from Saudi King - truthrevolt.org
John Bolton: I'd Be in Jail for What Hillary Did - breitbart.com
Orange is the New Black
Liar, Liar Pants On Fire: 27 Hillary Fibs, Obfuscations, and Lies at the Dem Debate
Hillary Clinton Tells Legal Adviser: "Time to Lawyer Up" - truthrevolt.org
Rush: Hillary's Got The Nomination In The Bag...Thugs All Over The World Expect Her To Be President - wnd.com