Friday, May 12, 2017

John Bolton: Trump's Only Mistake Was in Not Firing Comey on January 20th

John Bolton: Trump's Only Mistake Was in Not Firing Comey on January 20th -

Excerpt from this article:

“My only criticism of the Trump administration decision was that they should have fired him on January the 20th,' Bolton added. 'I speak as an alumnus of the Department of Justice in the Reagan and early Bush 41 administrations. I was assistant attorney general first for the head of the Office of Legislative Affairs, and then head of the Civil Division, the department’s largest litigating division. I’ve dealt with the FBI when I was at Justice. I’ve dealt with them continuously in my days at the State Department on counterintelligence and other issues. I’ve dealt with them in their background investigation of judicial nominees. It was one of my principal responsibilities in legislative affairs at the Justice Department,' he recalled. 'I know the FBI well, and I have enormous respect for it. James Comey disgraced the FBI by his conduct of the Hillary Clinton email investigation and many, many other things that have never become public, but that agents talk about in private conversations,” Bolton declared"

Recommended readingL:

Finally, One of the Chief Swamp Creatures Fired -
Comey Fired, Now Indict Hillary - (Via Ace of Spades)

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)