Monday, January 15, 2018

Members of D. C. Establishment Get Nervous as Trump Declares January 'National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month'

Members of D. C. Establishment Get Nervous as Trump Declares January 'National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month' -

Excerpt from this article:

"Rats don’t like it when you start shining a light on them.  President Trump has designated January to be 'National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month', but most Americans don’t realize that Washington D.C. is actually one of the worst human trafficking hubs in the entire nation.  Silent horrors take place behind closed doors day after day, and nobody is really supposed to talk about it.  Fortunately, we now have a president that is willing to take bold action, and that is making many members of the D.C. establishment very, very nervous."

Recommended reading:

Recommended reading:

What to Do if You Suspect a Child is Being Sexually Abused
Melania Trump: 'Era of Allowing Brutality Against Women and Children is Over'

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)