Saturday, March 24, 2018

Gore: Global Warming Triggers 'Flying Rivers, Rain Bombs'

Gore: Global Warming Triggers 'Flying Rivers, Rain Bombs' -

Excerpt from this article:

Al Gore will go down in the history of hysteria as a prime example of how to get rich without having any brains.
Here's Gore in Dubai, according to Marc Morano at Climate Depot:
Former Vice President Al Gore is at it again.  Gore is attempting to link extreme weather to man-made climate change, this time warning of "flying rivers" and "rain bombs."  But in a new book, The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change, Gore is accused of engaging in scientifically baseless "weather porn" for attempting to link every bad weather event to "global warming."

For further study...


Shock! Scientific American Tells Readers to 'Chill Out' Over Global Warming -
MIT Scientist: Ranting Senator a Moron on Global Warming -


Can Climate Models Predict Climate Change? - PragerU


How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)