Tuesday, June 26, 2018

What to Do When Atheists Persecute You - Ray Comfort Talks About His New Film

What to Do When Atheists Persecute You - Ray Comfort Talks About His New Film with Pastor Kevin Swanson

Here is an excerpt from this interview. Ray Comfort says:

"I studied the proclamation of Wesley, Whitfield, Moody, Spurgeon, and they said 'If you don't use the moral law, the Ten Commandments, to bring a knowledge of sin, you will fill the church with false converts.' And so I called the teaching Hell's Best Kept Secret..."

One of my favorite Ray Comfort videos is God Vs. Evolution. And just to try to give a balanced perspective, when I link to this video I also link to the following video:

Evolution Vs. God - An Atheist Review, by Jaclyn Glenn

Recommended videos:

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)