Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Today in History - February 12

1554: Lady Jane Grey was beheaded after being charged with treason. She had claimed the throne of England for only nine days (Source)

Recommended sermons and podcasts:

Lady Jane Grey The Nine Day Queen, by Brian Borgman
Lady Jane Grey and Reformation Day, by Paul W. Martin [Text: Mark 13:9-13]
Lady Jane Grey, Part 1, by Rev. Gregory McCammon
Lady Jane Grey, Part 2, by Rev. Gregory McCammon

2004: Mattel announced that "Barbie" and "Ken" were breaking up. The dolls had met on the set of their first television commercial together in 1961 (Source)

Recommended video:

Babie Girl - Aqua

Recommended podcast:

Sexualized Barbie Dolls for 8 Year Old Girls - What Are Parents Thinking? by Pastor Kevin Swanson

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)