Saturday, April 27, 2019

Good Christians Believe in Flat Earth - A Lessons in Schism - Ism

Good Christians Believe in Flat Earth - A Lessons in Schism - Ism, by Pastor Kevin Swanson

The only thing Flat Earthers have to fear is Sphere itself!

Check out the following sermons and podcasts to see what the Bible has to say about the shape of the Earth:

Exploring the Biblical and Scientific Case Against the Flat Earth Movement, - Jim Schneider Interviews Kyle Justice [Crosstalk America]
Is The Earth Really Flat? Michael Boehm Interviews Dr. Jason Lisle
Does The Bible Teach a Flat Earth? by Ken Ham
Interview With Former Flat Earth Promoter, by Pastor Mike Hoggard

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)