Friday, May 10, 2019

Bible Reading for Friday, May 10, 2019

 The following Bible reading program is taken from the One Year Bible KJV By Tyndale House

I have added sermons from to each day's Bible reading. 

I Samuel 8 & 9 (Audio)

Sin Never Pays, by Rev. Colin Mercer [I Samuel 8]
Give Us a King! by Rev. Noel Hughes [Text: I Samuel 8]
Recognizing a Man of God, by Rev. Reginald Cranston [Text: I Samuel 9:6]
Saul Chosen to Be King, by Rev. Calum Lain Macleod [I Samuel 9:17]

John 6:22-42 (Audio)

The following sermons are on John 6:35:

"And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst."

Christ the Bread of Life, by Rev. John Greer
Christ, the Bread of Heaven! by Rev. Ian Brown
I am the Bread of Life, by Rev. Gordon Dane
I am the Bread of Life, by Rev. Maarten Keivenhoven
Christ - The Bread of Life, by Rev. Lawrence J. Bilkes

The following sermons are on John 6:35:

"All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out."

Do Calvinists Believe in Free Will? by R. C. Sproul
The Elect's Coming to Christ, by Rev. Stephen Hamilton
A Text Upon Which to Rest 1,000 Salvations! Part 1, by Rev. Ian Brown
A Text Upon Which to Rest 1,000 Salvations! Part 2, by Rev. Ian Brown
Coming to Jesus, by Prof. Herman Hanko
Christ's Certainty That Sinners Will Come to Him for Salvation, by Rev. Cornelis (Neil) Pronk
The Effectual Gospel, by L. W. Bilkes

The following quote is from Pastor Charles Haddon Spurgeon on John 6:37:

"[Jesus] said, 'All that the Father giveth me shall come to me.' (John 6;37). Almighty grace shall sweetly constrain them to come.  My Father recently gave me some letters that I wrote to him when I began to preach. They are almost boyish epistles; but, in reading through them again, I noticed in one of them this expression: 'How I long to see thousands of men saved; but my great comfort is that some will be saved, must be saved, shall be saved, for it is written, 'All that the Father giveth me shall come to me.''" - Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892)

Psalm 106:32-48 (Audio)

Loving Visitations, by Pastor Robert McCurley [Text: Psalm 106:4 & 5]
Let Me Salvation See, by Rev. Ian Macleod [Text: Psalm 106:4 & 5]

The following hymn is based on Psalm 106:

Praise Ye the Lord for He is Good

Proverbs 14:34 & 35 (Audio)

The following sermons are on Proverbs 14:34:

"Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people."

The Nation's Shame and its Only Antidote, by Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley (1926-2014) 
Rulers: Righteous or a Reproach? by Rev. Gordon Dane 
What Made Great Britain Great? by Dr. David P. Murray 
What Makes a Nation Great? by Rev. Graeme Craig
Righteousness Exalteth, by Rev. Ian Goligher

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)