Thursday, May 2, 2019

Quotes for Thursday, May 2, 2019

Quote 1:

"Hard metallic transistors can function as switches in electronics, but in living cells switches are made from extraordinarily complex pathways and interactions utilizing highly specified protein molecules...Remarkable Discovery--Cell Systems Can Implement Logic! Researches' careful observation of E. Coli bacteria in the 1960s gave clues to how these protein switches operate. Normally, the bacteria in the study would break down the sugar glucose for energy. But when glucos was withheld and another sugar, lactose, was introduced, the bacteria started making the necessary enzymes to metabolize lactose. Analysis of this phenomenon revealed  a system consisting of a sensor for lactose, an internal logic-based  selection Amechanism for 'glucose-or-lactose,' and output responses to produce the suitable enzyme to break down lactose." (Source Unknown)

Quote 2:

"Whenever you run a clandestine operation, you run two things at the same time: you prepare the team for the hit, and you keep it so small there's nobody to spread it all around. And across the hall is a big staff working on what we call special plans. They're preparing the cover story. The cover story is what they want people to believe and to talk about, and to argue about." - From a 1992 speech by Col. Fletcher Prouty, former chief of special operations, Joint Chief of Staff (as quoted in Deep Truth: The Lives of Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein)

Recommended reading:

Veteran Reporter Bob Woodward: CNN Lawsuit Isn't Answer to Jim Acosta's Ban From White House, It's Better Reporting

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)