Thursday, May 2, 2019

Today in History May 2

1536 - Anne Boleyn, Queen of England, is arrested and imprisoned on charges of adultery, incest, treason and witchcraft (Source)

What if the New York Times had been around in the 1500s...The following is from Bernie Goldberg's book Arrogance: Rescuing America From the Media Elite:

"Sure the [New York] Times runs a lot of corrections. Unfortunately, they are usually along the lines of: 'Robert L. Jones who was mentioned in yesterday's story on page A12, should have been identified as Robert S. Jones. We regret the error.' You know when the Times will start to get it right? The day it runs a correction like this: Robert L. Jones, who we yesterday characterized as a no good, racist homophobe, sexist bigot, is, in fact, none of these. He is simply a conservative. We regret the error.'"

Recommended sermons and podcasts:

Henry VIII, Persecutor, and Edward VI, Reformer, by Joe Morecraft, III
Reformation in England,: Henry VIII to Edward VI, by Rev. John Sawtelle

1863 - American Civil War: Stonewall Jackson is wounded by friendly fire while returning to camp after reconnoitring during the Battle of Chancellorsville. He succumbs to pneumonia eight days later (Source)

Recommended sermons and podcasts:

Stonewall Jackson and Self-Control, by John Weaver [Text: 1 Corinthians 9:24-27]
The Christian Character of Stonewall Jackson, by Rober Maddox, M.D.
Stonewall Jackson, by BJU Students and Faculty

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)