Monday, September 2, 2019

Today in History - September 3

1650 - Third English Civil War: In the Battle of Dunbar, English Parliamentarian forces led by Oliver Cromwell defeat an army loyal to King Charles I of England and led by David Leslie, Lord Newark (Source)

1651 - Third English Civil War: Battle of Worcester: Charles I of England is defeated in the last main battle of the war (Source)

1658 - The death of Oliver Cromwell; Richard Cromwell becomes Lord Protectorate of England (Source)

Recommended sermons and podcasts:

Charles I and the Scotch-Irish, by Joe Morecraft III, Part 1,
Charles I: Tyrant and Oppressor, by Joe Morecraft III, Part 2,
Charles I: Tyrant and Revolutionary, by Joe Morecraft III, Part 3,
Charles I and the Westminster Assembly, by Joe Morecraft III, Part 4
Charles I and Oliver Cromwell, by Joe Morecraft III, Part 5

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)