Why don't you join me in my daily Bible reading? Each day, in addition to posting the new reading assignment, I also post links to related sermons. The websites that I use to guide me through these readings is oneyearbibleonline.com, kingjamesbibleonline.org/, and biblegateway.com/] For today, read:
The Truly Godly: One Who is Led by God, by Rev. Stephen Hamilton (Text: Genesis 24)
Abraham's Last Days, by Rev. Gordon Dane (Text: Genesis 25)
The Road to Revival, by Dr. Alan Cairns (Text: Genesis 26)
Providence, by Pastor Charles Haddon Spurgeon (Text: Matthew 8; Matthew 10:30)
Eternity: Where Will You Be? by Dr. Alan Cairns [Text: Matthew 8)
Jesus Vets Potential Disciples, by Pastor Joel Overduin (Text: Matthew 8)
A Prayer for the Collapse of Humanism, by Joe Morecraft III (Text: Psalm 10)
Coronavirus and Psalm 10, by Rev. Pieter Van Ruiten (Text: Psalm 10)
The Horror of Discarded, Aborted Children, by Patrick Hines (Text: Psalm 10; Exodus 1:15-22)
The Health, Wealth, and Prosperity Gospel, by Dr. David P. Murray [Text: Proverbs 3]
The following sermons are on Proverbs 3:5,6: "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding: In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."
Success in the Christian Life, by Rev. Colin Mercer
God Directing Your Path, by Rev. Stephen Hamilton
The Motto for 2017, by Rev. Roger Higginson (Preached on 1/1/2017)
Having God Direct Our Ways, by Rev. Brian McClung
Trust in the Lord, by Rev. Ron Johnstone