Why don't you join me in my daily Bible reading? Each day, in addition to posting the new reading assignment, I also post links to related sermons. The websites that I use to guide me through these readings is oneyearbibleonline.com, kingjamesbibleonline.org, and biblegateway.com/]
For today, read:
Recommended sermons:
The Hunger Games, by Pastor Kevin Swanson [Text: I Samuel 24]
Abigail: A Wise Woman Married to a Fool, by Rev. Ian Goligher [Text: I Samuel 25]
The following sermons are on John 10:10:
"The theif cometh not but for to steal and to kill and to destroy. I am come that ye might have light and have it more abundantly."
"The theif cometh not but for to steal and to kill and to destroy. I am come that ye might have light and have it more abundantly."
Life More Abundant, by Pastor Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892)
The Thrust of Life Against the Drift of Death, by Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley (1926-2014)
How to Find Abundant Life, by Rev. Gordon Dane
Recommended sermons:
Abortion: The New Holocaust, by Rev. Roger Higginson [Text: Psalm 116]
Recommended sermon:
The Eyes of the Lord, by Dr. Brian DeVries [Text: Proverbs 15]