Monday, August 5, 2013

Study: U.S. Debt Obligations $70 Trillion

Study: U.S. Debt Obligations $70 Trillion:

"A new study by University of California-San Diego economics professor James Hamilton finds that the United States has over $70 trillion in off-balance sheet liabilities--an amount nearly six times the on-balance-sheet debt figure. The Treasury debt outstanding is $16.74 trillion. Of that, $4.84 trillion is money the U.S. owes itself. "

Recommended reading:

Nancy Pelosi: I'm All for Balancing the a Few Decades!"
The $17 Trillion Dollar Party
Explaining the Obama Economy to 6th Graders
If Your Outgo Exceeds Your Income Your Upkeep Will Be Your Down Fall
National Debt Stacked in Dollar Bills Would Stretch from Earth to Moon Five Times

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)