Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Is God Still Watching Over America?

I read somewhere about a man who asked a Native American, "How do you curse in Cherokee?" The Native American replied, "We don't." "Never?" replied the man? "No. We never found it necessary until the white man arrived!"

Matt Drudge, of the Drudge Report - which I highly recommend! - has stirred up some controversy over some of his tweets. One of the questions he asks is this:

"Do you get the feeling God is no longer watching over America?"

Yes, Matt Drudge, I do get the feeling God is no longer watching over America. God is not going to let America get away with murdering over 50 million unborn human beings since Roe vs. Wade was passed in 1973. God is not going to let America steal $17 trillion dollars from their children's children in the form of a national debt they have no intention of even trying to pay off.

Recommended listening:

America is Cursed for Shedding Innocent Blood, by Jason Cooley
Our Nation Laid in God's Balance, by Dr. Joel Beeke

Recommended poem:

America the Beutiful, or So You Used to Be,  by The Honorable Judge Roy Moore

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)