Saturday, August 17, 2013

The Massive Conspiracy Designed to Separate You From Your Children

The Massive Conspiracy Designed to Separate You From Your Children:

"SHTFplan Editor’s note: Through new health care legislation and international treaties the government is progressively gaining more power over parents and their children. We can pretend this isn’t happening in America, but just recently a two year old died while in the custody of child protective services in Texas, and 78 children completely vanished while in the care of Oklahoma Human Services. Every day across this country children are being taken from their parents for any number on non-violent, non-threatening reasons, often on trumped up charges or at the whim of their Child Protective Services representative."

Recommended reading:

Don't Blame Me Daddy: False Accusations of Child Sexual Abuse, by Dean Tong
Obams Bypasses Congress Again to Fund Universal PreSchool -
It Takes A Village Idiot to Say Kids Belong to the State -

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)