Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Liberal "Bible Scholar" Finally Meets Jesus - But One Day Too Late!

Scholar Marcus Borg Who Claimed Jesus Never Said Many Of The Things Found In The Bible Dies At Age 72 - christianpost.com

Excerpt from this article:

"Borg was known for being a pioneer in what is labeled by some as progressive Christianity, and he participated in the Jesus Seminar around 30 years ago where a group of scholars gathered and challenged many of the statements made by Jesus found in the Bible with the claim that they were dreamed up by his followers or were meant to be metaphors. According to a NY Times obituary, Borg held a deep belief in Jesus as a teacher, healer and prophet, but denied many of the supernatural aspects of Christ that've been held in high regard in traditional Christianity for thousands of years."

Recommended song and poem (for others who doubt what Jesus - through his Bible - says):

One Day Too Late:
'Twas The Night Before Jesus Came

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)