Saturday, May 6, 2017

Arkansas Father's Vicious Rant About His Daughter's Black Prom Date Proves Racism is Alive and Well in America

Arkansas Father's Vicious Rant About His Daughter's Black Prom Date Proves Racism is Alive and Well in America -

Excerpt from this article:

“'He has told me that if I ever dated a black guy that I will and would be dead to him,' she said. 'I stood my ground for what I believe in. He has called me several horrible things before.'”

God will judge racists on Judgement Day. And the despicable father in this article is in danger of losing much more than just his daughter - he's going to lose his soul if he doesn't not repent. All races come from Adam and Eve (and they likely were not Caucasian!). People who look down their nose at others because of the color of their skin are judging the God who created them - and they will be held accountable on Judgement Day.

But that doesn't mean we have to see racism under ever rock we turn over. The idiot college professors and Hollywood scum that say it's racist just to be white are, well, racists!

Recommended reading:

Was the Civil War Necessary?
Mitchell Shaw: Making Black Lives Matter -
Black Panther Leader Blasts Billary: "Democrats Are Pimping Us Politically, Promising Everything, Giving Nothing" -
Voddie Baucham on Ferguson, Race Riots - Sin, Not Racism, is the Problem, by Pastor Kevin Swanson

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)