Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Was the Civil War Necessary?

Brion McClanahan: Was the Civil War Necessary? -

Excerpt from this article:

"...Racism was an American institution and Lincoln never challenged the prevailing attitudes on blacks. He embraced them...The simple fact is that Lincoln wanted war. He had the chance to save the Union without war before he took office. He had the chance to save the Union without war in March 1861... As he later told a political ally, his decision to provision Fort Sumter had the desired outcome, meaning armed conflict. Nothing can sugarcoat Lincoln’s headlong rush into the bloodiest war in American history. Trump may have been on to something here. Better leadership could have avoided the carnage. But saying that is now considered sacrilege. How closed minded of the 'liberal' historical profession and establishment gatekeepers of acceptable truth."

Recommended reading:

Was Trump Right on the Civil War and Andrew Jackson? -
Black The Most Dangerous Place for an African-American is in the Womb
Mugged: Racial Demagoguery From the Seventies to Obama, by Ann Coulter 

Recommended podcasts:

Slavery: What You've Never Been Told, by Dr. Peter Hammond 
One Race, One Blood - A Biblical Answer to Racism, by Ken Ham
Cleaning Racism Out of South Carolina - Start With Charles Darwin's Books, by Pastor Kevin Swanson
William Wilberforce: A Slave of God Who Fought for the Slaves of Men, by Andrew Quigley
She Called it "Racial Betterment", The Ugly History of Planned Parenthood, by Pastor Joey Kellet
Planned Parenthood: Our Wilberforce Moment, by Pastor David McManus

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)