Monday, May 6, 2019

An Intense Look Into the Evacuation of South Vietnam

An Intense Look Into the Evacuation of South Vietnam -

Excerpt from this article:

"Honorable Exit by Thurston Clarke delves into the facts behind the evacuation of the South Vietnamese people. Many Democrats have shown their disgust with President Trump over his stance on illegal aliens and refugees. Yet these same Democrats blocked Vietnamese refugees, including orphans, when millions were trying to escape South Vietnam as it fell to the communists."

Recommended videos:

The Truth About the Vietnam War - PragarU
What Are We Fightin For? by Country Joe McDonald, Sung at Woodstock, 1969
Billy Don't Be a Hero
Goodnight Saigon, by Billy Joel

Note: Listener and viewer discretion is advised. These 2 videos do contain some rough language. But it seems appropriate in the light of the  58,000 senseless deaths during the Vietnam war.

John F. Kennedy wanted to pull our troops out of Vietnam. The Deep State said No! The Deep State won, and John F. Kennedy and 58,000 American men lost their lives!

The Vietnam War (conflict,  police action, whatever!) can only be understood by examining it in the light of Gary Allen's book None Dare Call it Conspiracy (1971).

Recommended reading:

Exit Strategy: In 1963, JFK Ordered a Complete Withdrawal From Vietnam -

Recommended video:

The Speech That Got JFK Killed - JFK's Secret Society Speech

Recommended sermons and podcasts:

Woodstock and the Hippies: A Biblical Analysis, by Rev. Brian Schwertley [Text: 1 Corinthians 10:7]
Vietnam Church Grows Ten-Fold, by Adam McManus

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)