Monday, May 6, 2019

Soft Tissue Surprises Evolutionists

Soft Tissue Surprises Evolutionists - Pastor Kevin Boling interviews Prof. Dr. Ron Marks

700 Club founder was in the news today for ridiculing the Bible...I mean, for ridiculing those who believe in a young earth:

Pat Robertson Calls Young Earth Creation  'Nonsense,' 'Embarrassing', Claims Universe is 14 Billion Years Old -

The following excerpt is from an article titled: Is Young Earth Creation Crazy?

"Many trails lead toward recent creation. Take the limits of science, for example. Some scientist think that science can firmly answer questions about the past. But it can't. Science directly tests only that which is observable and repeatable. History is neither. The best science can do is weed out unlikely scenarios. For example, scientists can measure isotope ratios in a rock, but those numbers must be cranked through a formula that includes unknown, unmeasurable variables to output a time estimate.  Secularists make sure those variables receive deep time friendly values...Natural time clocks from many discipline help confirm biblical creation. has dozens of articles that describe everything from an abundance of blue stars, helium in minerals, and soft tissue in fossils, to a scarcity of creature mutations. Even these science-based observations cannot pinpoint history, but they do weed out deep time options. Misplaced faith in science, a lack of logic in secular arguments, natural time clocks, and the very Word of the Creator all lead to recent creation."

Recommended website:

Institute for Creation Research
Answers in Genesis

Recommended sermons and podcasts:

Six Days & the Eisegesis Problem, by Ken Ham
Glass House: Shattering the Myth of Evolution, by Jim Schneider [Crosstalk America]
Exploring The Ark Encounter, by Peter Hammond

Recommended reading:

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)