Saturday, October 19, 2019

Today in the News - Saturday, October 19, 2019

Rassmussen: 51% of Voters Suspect High-Level Crimes to Stop Trump Presidency -
Oh, So That's How Many Electoral Votes Trump Will Clinch in 2020 -
Gabbard to Clinton: 'You Are the Queen of Warmongers...Personification of the Rot That Has Sickened' Democrats -
A House Divided: Abraham Lincoln's Warning to America, Then and Now -
6 Signs That Civil Unrest is Imminent -
Shining Some Light on The Dark Web -
State Department Concludes Investigation Into Clinton Server, Finds Almost 600 Violations -
Venezuela Given Seat on UN Human Rights Council - One More Reason to Get US Out -
The Rise of Young Black Conservatives -
What Should We Do About the War on History? -

ICYMI (In Case You Missed It!)

Journalists Have Become Hoaxers -
The FBI Wants Your Info...And They're Getting It! -
Survey: Almost HALF of Socialists Believe Violence Against the Rich May Be Justified -
At Long Last! Boris Johnson and EU Agree to Brexit Deal -
CNN Video: Hopefully Trump Dies Soon
Trump's Syria Policy Reveals a Master Strategist in the White House -
Different Sexes -
What Were They Thinking? Forbes Encourages Women to Travel Solo to Pakistan -
Congratulations on Killing Your Unborn Child -
'Not Afraid of Burning in Hell': Ron Reagan Atheist Ad Airs During Dem Debate -
Talking Points and Picking Winners: Project Veratas Exposes CNN's Editorial Decisions -
Border Patrol Official: Apprehensions Have Gone Down as Border Wall Has Gone Up -
Ann Coulter: Elizabeth Warren Will Ditch Economic Populism, and Be 'Pedal to the Medal on Transgenderism' if Elected -
It Used to Take High Crimes and Misdemeanors to Get Someone Impeached, Now it Just Takes Someone Being Cornered -

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)