Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Breaking Fox News January 28, 2020: President Trump Announces Peace for Israel & Middle East

This video includes a great speech by our President on the Nation of Israel. Well worth watching!

Note: I have been a supporter of our President since he first announced his intention to run for President. And I don't believe in the relatively new doctrine known as Pretribulation Rapture. But I do like the Left Behind movies by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins. And while watching this great speech, I was reminded of these movies, and I couldn't help but ask...Are we watching Biblical prophecy unfold before our eyes?

Why don't you watch (or re-watch) these original Left Behind movies? Don't bother with the new version with actor Nicholas Cage - that is pure Hollywood, and the gospel has been "left behind.' But the original Left Behind movies are well worth watching.

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)