Thursday, December 24, 2020

We Will Not Be Silenced - Interview With Pastor Erwin Lutzer

 We Will Not Be Silenced - Interview With Pastor Erwin Lutzer, by Pastor Kevin Swanson


In case you missed it, here is an earlier interview with Erwin Lutzer:

America - Ripe for Nazi Germany? Interview with Erwin Lutzer, by Pastor Kevin Swanson

Here is a short excerpt from this interview:

"The [Luthernan] Pietists ...held on to the gospel and they wanted to have warm hearts in obedience to Christ, which they did, and they're to be commended. But they also believed that the Church should not get involved in all of these political issues. In my book I tell the story, which is true, of a train that ran close to one of these Pietist churches. They knew when the train was coming and they also made sure that they were singing songs when the train rumbled by because they knew those trains were filled with Jews on their way to a concentration camp...When the train rumbles by you just sing more loadly...If every pastor in Germany had been a Bonhoeffer or a Neimoler, Hitler could not have pulled off the atrocities that were done..."

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How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)