Friday, January 11, 2013

The Daily Spurgeon - January 11, 2013

Quotes by Pastor Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834 - 1892)

"O my brother, dost thou know what a loving Christ he is? Let me tell thee from my own soul what I know of him.  I too, once despised him. He knocked at the door of my heart and I refused to open it. He came to me, times without number, morning by morning and night by night; he checked me in my conscience and spoke to me by his Spirit, and when at last the thunders of the law prevailed in my conscience, I thought that Christ was cruel and unkind. O I can never forgive myself that I should have thought so ill of him. But what a loving reception did I have when I went to him.  I thought he would smite me, but his hand was not clenched in anger but open wide in mercy. I thought full sure that his eyes would dart lightening-flashes of wrath upon me, but instead thereof, they were full of tears. He fell upon my neck and kissed me. He took off my rags and did cloth me with his righteousness, and caused my soul to sing aloud for joy. While in the house of my heart and in the house of his church there was music and dancing, because his son that he had lost was found, and he that was dead was made alive.  I exhort you then, to look to Jesus Christ and be lightened. Sinner, you will never regret."(Source: Spurgeon's sermon, Compel them to Come in)

"Recommended reading:

You can also listen to an audio recording of The Forgotten Spurgeon on

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)